Monday, June 28, 2004

Sorry To All My Friends!!

Phew! Basically I've been swamped by work (wish I was deserted by work instead... haha... geddit geddit?!?) and the list of friends that I've been trying to catch up with just keeps growing and growing like a child on Nestle baby formula...

And I'm sad for it! I wish I had more time to catch up with you all, over a coffee or something, but I can't... work's really demanding, and to think I've already turned a hunk like Chris down twice for lunch! (and you too Lucas... the hunk part definitely)

Forgive me for disappearing for the next few weeks at least, I'll still keep in touch ya? To all the people I owe letters, phone calls, photos or Mambo Nite outings to, I'll make it up to you!

Lastly, I've developed an alternative award to Human Being Of The Week... it's the MLOTW award. And this week, to the person who cannot even ask me out nicely, I award Missing Link Of The Week to... Limin!

(She sent me the following sms : Hey you stupid man when are u free to meet me for our dinner and pub outing?)

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