Tuesday, June 15, 2004

And We Part Again....

Today four of my fellow instructors ORDeed. I remember them first coming and hating it here, because they couldn't adapt to the completely different way of life. I wanted to transfer them out, to make everyone happier, but didn't when a senior instructor advised me against it.

And I'm glad I didn't... when they left today I guess we all bonded. It sucked when they went around shaking hands and thanking people for making their stay memorable. I refused to shake though, and instead stuck my hands in my pockets, declaring that I'm not one for teary goodbyes.

They just laughed, pleading with me to stop being an idiot on their last day, and drop all pretense of machoism (what pretense?). But I really wanted to avoid saying goodbye.

Wouldn't you hate it too? To realize that someone you see almost everyday, someone you talk male chicken with, laugh at dumb jokes with, eat with, survive field camps with, and most regrettably, sinfully take for granted... is about to step out of your life, just like that?

And just when I thought I could avoid feeling all torn up inside, sidestep all the unnecessary heartburn, they saluted me and said thank you...

To steal and modify a line from the serial Blueprints, "Friendship is measured by the size of the hole it leaves behind".

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