Monday, June 21, 2004

Eye For A Flower

What if there was a flower that only you could appreciate?

Like if it was plain and unobtrusive and tended to blend in with the millions of other flowers on earth? But then one day you stopped, and spent time appreciating it, and found it to be beautiful in its own right?

Would you proudly grow it, or display it?

Because then it's a choice between conforming with the rest of society and being true to yourself. And you might think, hiyar, of course I'll be true to myself.

But how many really do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there it goes again! why does the world only appreciate flowers? they miss the point: the plant; focusing instead on a transient thing, doomed to fall and wither after it has served its purpose. and what of those that go by spore instead of seed, relegated to fillers and backdrops to let the more 'attractive' ones take centre stage?

things do not necessarily need to be perfect, or the best, to be appreciated.

to grow a plant is a pact between you and nature: the leaves and roots you adopt become an extension of your being. every plant that lives today has a purpose far greater than their asthetic evaluations by shallow minded people.
no matter how ordinary the plant seems to you; it is made special when you choose it and take up the responsibilities associated with it. care for it well, and it will be beautiful to those who see it, and especially, to yourself. it will change you.

fight that identity sapping conformity when you see it, lest it overcomes you. not everything needs to be done in expedience. keep idealism alive: in it is a hope for a better future.