Thursday, June 03, 2004

Is It So Hard To Compliment?

So what happened was this. I met up with this friend on Vesak Day, and quite frankly, she was stunning. Really, really chio. Not that she's not gorgeous usually, but you know, even the sun flares up once in a while and becomes even hotter.

And of course I told her quite frankly what I thought of her! How I thought she was well dressed, how she was carrying herself with an air others can only wish for, how chio she was.

But she flat out thought I was lying! And she accused me of playing tricks with words and saying things I did not mean.


Maybe that's why you hardly hear people sincerely complimenting these days. Because too much of a good thing reeks of the impossible and untrue, and people tend to disbelieve rather than accept gladly.
Lesson learnt for me I guess.

But I still think you're chio!

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