Monday, July 12, 2004

If Devils Wore Fur

Cute? As cute as me? Aha. Don't for a single moment be fooled by them. Rabbits? More like rabids.

My cousin abandoned her two "cutesy bunnies" a week ago at my house, citing domestic unrest due to fundamental differences that could not be resolved. She's only 10, but when she wants something she usually gets it, so my brother and I gamely took the bunnies in. After all, bunnies are low-maintenance, right?

They didn't need constant affection (unlike girlfriends), never argued back (unlike girlfriends), would let you elope with your Playstation (unlike girlfriends), and would never, ever ask you if you thought they were fat (unlike girlfriends).

To our horror, we realised the following:

They were extremely violent when provoked (like girlfriends), scratched viciously (like girlfriends), raised a stink if you ignored them for too long (like girlfriends), and became little concentrated balls of hellfury the moment you try to bathe them (like girlfriends... of the well-raised sort).

And perhaps the only reason my brother and I have not let them loose in a neighbourhood full of gaming dogs, is that we're trying to teach my cousin a lesson. Heck, I think it's a lesson on responsibility we're trying to impart, but whatever the case is, the school term had better end soon.

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