Monday, November 28, 2005


When the light from the breaking dawn stirs you, you fight to stay asleep.

Two worlds are blended at this precise moment. You are confused, and you forget for a blissful second what is real, and what is only the balming effect of a single good dream. You struggle to believe that all is well, but its no use - slowly your consciousness muscles in and brutally reminds you of the divide between the realities and the figments of imagination.

There is, strangely enough, an overwhelming sense of peace.

You think about the dream some more, and you're pleased to find that it all comes rushing back, every single nuance, every single frame. And you cannot help but marvel - every other time you labour to pass the night under burdens of mind so deep, you inevitably wake up feeling even more distraught, more stranded.

Its the first time you have dreamt a dream that addresses your dilemma directly.

Its the first time your subconscious works with you, instead of against you.

Its the first time... you think you might actually have dreamt the answer to your problems.

Sometimes things just work out in the queerest way
Hold fast your beliefs - keep the doubts at bay
Unless you dare to tread that dreaded path again
Where suffering bears no such merciful refrain
Expect that life's just full of twists and turns
Nothing's insurmountable if you're willing to learn

You hear the world stirring outside your window, and you know you can linger no more. You chose to live this life, and you'll be damned if you didn't try to lead it proudly, to lead it well.

And thus a chapter ends.

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