Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Lawyer Girls

I've long maintained that although most people have separate personas for their professional and personal lives, it is not uncommon for traits adopted in the professional world to seep over to the personal side. Thus I've always joked with friends about how they must be out of their minds to want to marry a female lawyer - stable income, cultured brains and dressed-to-kill looks aside, who wants to be losing every single domestic argument with the wife, forever?

A long-time excuse I've employed to wriggle my way out of drinking with friends, is that drinking always brings out the animal in me. This particular remark alternately completely disgusts and overwhelmingly impresses my friends to the point where they are so flabbergasted, they forget about inducting me to the world of bad beer and libido-cramping headaches.

And that excuse has always worked... until now.

When this law-student friend of mine (yes, female) asked me why I wasn't having any beer to go with the mussel dinner I ordered, I used that excuse... to a disgraceful effect. Reenacted, it went something like... this.

Liz: So, Greek God, why aren't you having any Heineken with those mussels?
GG: Nah, not tonight. Alcohol always brings out the animal in me.
Liz: Oh, what? Hamster ah?
GG: Blakewnnbfjflkmwemdn... *continues spluttering*

And yeah, going by the universal law of retorts, I'll think of some brilliant reply.... probably... by next year. Sigh.

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