Sunday, April 03, 2005

Dreams 1: Trying to Understand

For the longest times people have been dreaming of the strangest things, and in turn other people have been trying to interpret those dreams. Of course, in the past people thought that their dreams had some actual prophetic effect on the events in reality, but nowadays most people accept that it is in fact the reverse, that your experiences in daily life influence your dreams.

So, how much do we need to worry about the kind of stuff we dream about? Should we get jealous if our partners in life dream of other people?

Considering the entire argument that our dreams also reflect our subconscious, should we worry about the stuff our subconscious is trying to tell us? I know I should be worried, because I do dream of the darkest, most frowned upon and depraved human acts... for example, in one dream I finished my meal at Macs, and actually did not return my tray. Other times I cut queues, or allowed my phone to ring in cinemas.

Sometimes dreams do scare me though. Dreams seem to dreg up memories or thoughts that had been stowed away in the deepest recesses of your mind. They bring to light once again unresolved tensions that have been forgetten rather than resolved.

And when you wake from your slumber, heart still a-poundin', you face the concious choice: to forget, or to somehow resolve?

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