Tuesday, June 19, 2007

And A Good Evening To You Too

Your eyes. That look in your eyes.

I had wondered what would stare back at me, when I finally had the chance of looking you in the eyes again. I expected a look of haughtiness, of derision, of crystal confidence, as you sneer at me from the towers of your high castle.

After all, wasn't I the sullied one, the flawed one, the one fallen from grace? The one who had strayed from the path all honourable men take? The one not deserving of a second chance?

But I didn't see any of that. I only saw apprehension. The words of greeting you issued may have left your lips without a single stammer, but your eyes said it all.

Your eyes said, I can no longer bear the gauntlet of righteous anger. There is doubt.

The truth may never come to light. We may forever lack the necessary scales to weigh our relative culpability in this mad circus of events. But I look at what doubt there is that exists within you, and I chuckle at how this blight has afflicted us all.

No one is clean.

And it will do us all good to remember that, as we continue to endeavour for the restful sleep of the wilfully blind.


Anonymous said...


i came across ur blog qt randomly when i was clicking at links frm a friend at nus law..

wanted to let u know tt a fair amt of ur entries struck a chord in my heart.. plainly coz u can articulate what i feel but cant say out in words..

in particular, ur entry "Badge" April 17, 2007, has been reproduced on my own blog..

im not clear right nw of e reason as to why i want to reproduce it on my blog but i do want to let u know tt im giving u thanks and credit for it although i have not linked you to e reproduced entry.

this particular entry speaks clearly to me at this time, when for reasons of my own, i feel e pain tt u have described.

thank u for articulating it so perfectly. pls comment here again if u want me to tk it down. for now i shall remain anonymous. im certain u have ways to track down ur works if u want to.

thanks and cheers,

ps: pls do update ur blog when ure inspired. it is nice to read ur entries.

hanting said...

helllooo w!

nice to have you drop by and be entertained enough to plow back all the way to "Badge", haha. =)

it's fine if u reproduce it! hee its cool if u dun want to link/credit it, im glad enough that you came back here to tell me about it.

more importantly, im glad it did something for you. heh. this certainly brings back memories for myself, really. anyhow, it was a mini-epiphany of sorts for me, so im glad that hey it really did manage to reach out to someone else =)

and abt my updating, fear not! i might update slower from time to time, but this blog will die with meeeeeee

see you around W. =)